

Outreach: Seminar Series for Junior and Senior High School Girls (Jan. 25, 2025)

I gave a lecture at the event "Seminar Series for Junior and Senior High School Girls: 'What Should Students Prepare for Their Future in the Age of AI?'".
Thank you to everyone who attended.

Outreach: Interview entitled "To Continue Being a Researcher" (Nov. 18, 2024)

The interview article "To Continue Being a Researcher" has been published.

Outreach: Interview Video with Freelance Announcer Naoko Shinozaki (Oct. 23, 2024)

In an interview with freelance announcer Naoko Shinozaki, I discussed my research and its appeal, my career journey, and balancing research with parenting.
For details, please see the video.

Paper: The Bulk Densities of Small Solar System Bodies as a Probe of Planetesimal Formation (Oct. 10, 2024)

For details, Tatsuuma et al. 2024, ApJ, 974, 9

Outreach: iTHEMS x academist Online Event (Apr. 21, 2024)

I gave a lecture at the online event "World of Mathematical Sciences 2024".
Thank you to everyone who attended.

Position: RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS) Research Scientist (Oct. 1, 2023)

I have decided to be a Research Scientist at RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS) starting today.

Paper: Compressive Strength of Dust Aggregates Investigated by Numerical Simulations and its Formulation (Aug. 10, 2023)

For details, Tatsuuma et al. 2023, ApJ, 953, 6

Award: honourable mention for the 2022 IAU PhD Prize (Jun. 13, 2023)

I got an honourable mention for the 2022 International Astronomical Union (IAU) PhD Prize.
The title of my dissertation is “Material Strength of Dust Aggregates in Planet Formation.”
For details

Position: JSPS Research Fellowship (PD) (Apr. 1, 2022)

I have decided to be a JSPS Research Fellowship (PD) starting today.

Award: 2021 School of Science Research Encouragement Award, The University of Tokyo (Mar. 25, 2022)

I got the 2021 School of Science Research Encouragement Award, The University of Tokyo.
The title of my dissertation is “Material Strength of Dust Aggregates in Planet Formation.”
For details

Paper: Rotational Disruption of Porous Dust Aggregates due to Gas Flow in Protoplanetary Disks (Jun. 1, 2021)

For details, Tatsuuma & Kataoka 2021, ApJ, 913, 132

Award: Oral Award at the 50th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Sep. 15, 2020)

I got the third prize of the Oral Award at the 50th Summer School on Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The title is “Rotational Disruption of Porous Dust Aggregates due to Gas Flow in Protoplanetary Disks.”
For details

Award: JpGU 2019 Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Jul. 10, 2019)

I got the JpGU 2019 Outstanding Student Presentation Award.
The title is “Tensile Strength of Porous Dust Aggregates Measured with Dust N-body Simulations.”
For details

Position: JSPS Research Fellowship (DC1) (Apr. 1, 2019)

I have decided to be a JSPS Research Fellowship (DC1) starting today.

Paper: Tensile Strength of Dust Aggregates Investigated by Numerical Simulations (Apr. 1, 2019)

For details, Tatsuuma et al. 2019, ApJ, 874, 159