

  • Movies
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  • Movies

    Tensile Simulation of Dust Aggregates

    If you want to use these movies, please cite Tatsuuma et al. (2019) and contact me (misako.tatsuuma -at-

    This is a simulation movie of an aggregate of ice dust grains with a radius of 0.1 µm being pulled in a single direction. The initial grain filling fraction is 10%, and the simulation box is enclosed with periodic boundary conditions. The red shows when connections between particles in contact are breaking.

    This simulation is similar to the movie above, but the colors show the way energy dissipates due to particle friction. Red shows rolling motion, blue shows twisting motion, yellow shows sliding motion, purple shows rolling and twisting motions, green shows twisting and sliding motions, orange shows sliding and rolling motions, and black shows rolling, twisting, and sliding motions.

    Compressive Simulation of Dust Aggregates

    If you want to use these movies, please cite Tatsuuma et al. (2023) and contact me (misako.tatsuuma -at-

    This is a simulation movie of an aggregate of ice dust grains with a radius of 0.1 µm being compressed in three directions. The simulation box is enclosed with periodic boundary conditions. The red shows when connections between particles in contact are breaking.

    This simulation is similar to the movie above, but the colors show the way energy dissipates due to particle friction. Red shows rolling motion, blue shows twisting motion, yellow shows sliding motion, purple shows rolling and twisting motions, green shows twisting and sliding motions, orange shows sliding and rolling motions, and black shows rolling, twisting, and sliding motions.


    ハラスメント問題を考える( 2020年度 第50回 天文・天体物理若手夏の学校 全体企画)

    このスライドは、私が自身の経験や問題意識を元に、有志の学生と共に2020年度 第50回 天文・天体物理若手夏の学校の全体企画「あつまれ 大学院生の知恵」にて作成したものです。